UGA Redesign Previews

College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

CAES Homepage:

This is the main template for the CAES template redesign and homepage. It is meant to be the public-facing area for prospective students, parents, faculty, and alumni. The content on this mockup is sample content. The real site will have curated content and content that is dynamically added from our databases and though Adobe Experience Manager.

View the CAES Homepage Template Mockup View the CAES News Template Mockup View the CAES Story Template Mockup View the Newswire Template Mockup View the Newswire Story Template Mockup

CAES Components:

These are the elements that our content managers can use to build their own web pages. It gives them the flexibility to build pages with easy-to-use tools, and we are able to ensure that the design is consistent with out overall style guide.

View the CAES Components List

CAES Subsite Template:

Our template and CMS provides a subsite template, which enables departments or more independent organizations to have their own full-funtional website that reamains consistent with the style of the homeplage template. There are slight functional variations, but the overall look and feel is the same.

View the CAES Subsite Template Mockup

CAES Subsite > Subpage Template (with additional side-nav):

This mockup is meant to illustrate what would happen when a user drill down into the subpages of a department or some other subsite. Instead of having infinite dropdowns in the main nav, this page demostrates the look and feel of our side-navigation component that can go infinitely deep into the site tree.

View the CAES Subsite Template with the Side-Nav

UGA Extension

Extension Main Template:

UGA Extension (as with many university extension programs) is a state wide initiative to deliver resources, education, and outreach to people near and far. Almost every county in Georgia has an extension office and a county website. We had to develop a clean and simple tempate that would work well for sites that had five pages as well as sites that had five hundred pages.

View the UGA Extension Homepage Mockup

Extension Components:

This template required fewer working components than the CAES template. These components are meant to be very flexible and small, reusable bits of code, so that we can deliver functionality without needing to develop additional components.